- Year: 2023
- Budget: 29,112,421.00 €
- Location: Colombia
- Sector: Resilience, Peace, Security
- Partner: Eptisa, LKS-Alecop, Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP), Red Nacional de Agencias de Desarrollo Local de Colombia, ICCO Foundation, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)
To contribute to increasing the coherence and improving the performance of interventions funded by the European Peace Fund (part B).
Our work and approach
The analysis consolidated findings from 13 monitoring missions of interventions of the European Fund for Peace in Colombia, represent 37% of all the interventions financed by the Fund and having a combined budget of 53.4 million euros, which represents 42% of the total budget of the European Fund.
Results and Insights
The analysis identified lessons regarding the alignment and contributions of interventions to the strategic pillars of the European Peace Fund; the process of reincorporation of former FARC-EP combatants into civilian life economically and socially: successes achieved and existing obstacles; sustainability strategies; the integration of the gender approach and contribution to commitments on climate change; the operation of the territorial tables; and the impact generated by COVID-19.