- Year: 2021
- Budget: 2,682,288.00 €
- Location: Chile
- Sector: Human Rights and Gender equality
- Partner: Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Fundacion Instituto de la Mujer, ONG Cecades, Comunidad Mujer
To acquire knowledge on gender related aspects of EU-funded interventions and propose recommendations to contribute to a more effective future programming in the gender sector for the portfolio of the European Union Delegation of Chile.
Our work and approach
A meta-analysis of monitoring reports for four EU-funded interventions, together with litterature research and interviews of EUD staff and selected implementing partners. A consolidated report with seven concrete recommendations to the EUD was prepared, in relation to the design of their new portfolio.
Results and Insights
Seven evidence-based recommendations to the EUD of Chile, on how to prioritize gender programming, how to support interventions in local communities; how to develop internal strategies for gender projects involving key national and international stakeholders and how to create gender-specific action plans in their interventions, integrating intersectional approaches.